Being fortunate enough to work in a Catholic school, as a Catholic myself has been such a great experience that has taught me so many inclusive learning strategies and different ways to incorporate religion and faith within a classroom. I have now experienced incorporating religion in other subjects, other than when teaching the religion subject.
My AT at my placement has given me so many ideas for my future classroom that include and celebrate religion. I have learned religion can be taught even in subjects such as art and language, as I did my first language and religion lesson here at placement. My students were able to create hearts with their personal keepsakes brought from home with a story attached to their special keepsakes. I connected it to a passage from the bible in 1 Corinthians 13: 1-11. This passage celebrates God's love and the importance of memories and legacies passed down to us from generations before us. I was able to teach a language lesson that showed in their writing on the hearts they created. I also got an art lesson out of it to demonstrate through their good copy of the heart and their personal legacies. My classroom also celebrates religion by saying prayers as a class before snack and lunch, as well as the morning and end of day to start and end our day with God. I would also love to put posters around my future classroom like my grade 5 class now. It shows the students of the accepting atmosphere and God's faith in everything we do. We also have a prayer centre that is often changed and rearranged based on the event happening (Christmas or Easter).
Working in a Catholic school has made my experience even better and has taught me quite bit about the importance of religion in the students everyday lives.